Every parent tries to raise their children well and help them become independent adults who will leave the “nest” to live their best life and build a family. But, watching kids grow and leave home is beautiful and bittersweet.

Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith went through that era, and although though they anticipated their son Jaden, who is independent and mature, would want to live on his own at 16 or 17, they still found it hard when he requested them to let him “leave” for his 15th birthday.

has been famous since birth. Having celebrity parents “robbed” him and his sister Willow of a normal childhood.

In 2018, Jaden told Dazed Magazine, “People treat me like I’m not a normal human so often, that you start to believe it, like, ‘Am I not a normal human?'”

He made local skater pals and felt natural around them. ”If I wasn’t famous and didn’t have all this sh** going on, and I didn’t have to fly to all these various locations all the time, I would just be here with these guys, every day just skating. “That’s my vibe,” he said.
Will, his father, told BBC Radio 1Xtra: “Jaden is 100 percent brave.
Anything. It terrifies parents. Yet he lives and dies by his artistic choices and doesn’t care what others think.”

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Such attitude may have prompted Jaden to ask his mother to let him move out. Jada discussed tr*umatics on Red Table Talk. “At 15 years old, Jaden, and I remember this day well, it’s probably one of the most sad times of my life,” Jada said. “You got to a point where you told me straight up, ‘Mom, I have to leave here to live my life.
He needed parental consent to be legally emancipated at 15. Jada stated she expected that day and believed it would be good. Her mother, Jaden’s grandma Adrienne Banfield-Norris, co-host of Red Table Talk, said she would never allow that if she were Jada. Adrienne isn’t the only one who thinks the Smiths’ parenting is “weird” and judges them for it

Jada knows best for her kids. “Knew. When Jaden was younger, I told Will, ‘We’ll be lucky to keep him in the house until he’s 16.’ His maturity. “He was making films… he could really control his life,” she claimed.

“Every youngster has distinct needs. He wanted to of this lifestyle and bubble. Without the bubble, I understood. I knew what freedom outside the bubble gave me. I knew letting him go would speed up his return.”
The good news is that Jaden, 23, changed his mind and will live with his parents till 2017. Today, he owns a $4 million home which is just 5 minutes away from his parents’ place.

This is it. I’m not going anywhere. In 2013, Jaden informed Ellen DeGeneres that everything at this house is free. “I can get everything and everything at his house,” he joked. “[Will] says I can get my own house when I make a movie greater than his.

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