After a lengthy postponement, Chris Garafola married Tatiana.
Chris’ older sister Brittany, who has Down syndrome, was inoculated before the event.

She was informed of their preparations and asked to be Tatiana’s maid of honour through video conference.
Brittany sobbed and cheered after learning.
Chris said Tatiana “loves my sister with every ounce of her being and wouldn’t have it any other way” and knows he and Brittany are a “package deal.”
Boston guy video the heartwarming moment he and his fiancee tell his sister about their wedding and ask her to be maid of honour.

Chris Garafola’s older sister, Brittany, is “particularly significant,” and he knew he couldn’t marry Tatiana without her. Chris was relieved to find that Brittany had recovered from the pandemic, which postponed their wedding.
Chris and Tatiana surprised Brittany by asking her to be their maid of honour via video before the wedding.
Chris stated on Instagram that COVID-19 forced them to postpone their wedding.
These changes limited our wedding guest list to intimate family.
“We both knew there would be no wedding unless Brittany could be there,” he said.
Down syndrome weakens Brittany’s immune system, making COVID very deadly.
Britt must be vaccinated to enter (which she would get regardless of the wedding since she is high-risk). “We prioritise her health,” he said.
Britt must be vaccinated to enter (which she would get regardless of the wedding since she is high-risk). “We prioritised her health,” he said.

Only a few partners can comprehend and tolerate such seriousness. Needs someone charming.
“I’m blessed to have found this person. Tatiana adores my sister.
I told Tatiana Brittany and I were inseparable and that I had two best pals right away.
Only a few partners can comprehend and tolerate such seriousness. Needs someone charming.
After two weeks, Chris and Tatiana “immediately launched wedding planning.”
Three weeks later, they told Brittany the exciting news via video chat.
Brittany’s enthusiastic reaction to her brother’s April wedding is filmed.
When invited to be Tatiana’s maid of honour, Brittany cries up and cheers.
Chris said they gave her an engagement ring to mark the incident.
The loyal younger sibling said Brittany “always poured her love onto him,” pushing him and teaching him timeless things, giving him many opportunity to evolve (fast) and become the best BROTHER he could be. “This blessing attracted a gorgeous, powerful, caring, independent, and trustworthy woman,” he remarked.