Doctors disconnect the newborn’s life support as his family bids him farewell; he then begins to breathe.
A family prepares to say their final goodbyes before doctors remove life support from their ailing infant. But miracle infant Karson Jax Hough exceeded all expectations when he began breathing on his own!

Things took a terrible turn when Chelsea Hough gave birth to Karson Jax at 36 weeks gestation. Even though the birth was quick and the newborn boy’s heartbeat was strong during labour, this altered once he was born.
Many questions surrounded the causes of this young boy’s condition, but doctors ultimately felt that removing life support was the only option.

“The best way to express what has occurred is to say that this precious baby boy has endured two extremely rare and unrelated severe conditions. Lisa Hough, the bereaved grandmother of the young boy, wrote that one of the causes was unidentifiable.
Clinicians suspected a left temporal lobe haemorrhage and diagnosed nonketotic hyperglycinemia in the youngster (NKH). NKH is a rare hereditary condition that causes a buildup of glycine in the tissues and fluids of the body. And after much prayer, Chelsea and her family decided to remove Karson’s life support and enable him to find healing in heaven.

Doctors Astonished After Removing Life Support
The family asked for prayer as they prepared to discontinue life support. Then as they began saying farewell to Karson Jax Hough, something incredible happened. The young boy defied the odds and began breathing on his own!
“We witnessed a miracle today!!
” wrote Lisa Hough on Facebook. “We were warned that after removing intensive care and the ventilator, he would not be able to breathe on his own and that we should expect his heart to fail within 10 minutes… Nevertheless, God and Karson had different plans! ”
As soon as physicians disconnected Karson from the ventilator, his heart rate and oxygen levels returned to normal. Doctors had warned he would never be able to breathe, swallow, or gag, but he began doing all three. And the family of the young kid was immensely pleased by the blessing.

“I’m not sure why I ever thought we were so undeserving of a miracle.. I do not know how long we have with him, but we currently have him. “We will now take,” Lisa remarked.
This miracle baby’s progress is astonishing everyone. And while only God knows Karson Jax’s future, Lisa Hough and Chelsea Hough are enjoying every moment with their adorable son.
Miraculous Infant Continues to Grow Stronger
Karson still faces numerous obstacles. Each day, however, provides unexpected miracles. A few weeks after the family instructed the doctors to discontinue life support, the miracle infant was still thriving, growing stronger, and defying expectations. He was even discharged from the hospital and returned home with his family by the doctors!

At home, Karson has continued to improve. He has reached a healthy body mass index, and his heart rate and oxygen levels are constant. His Glycine levels have decreased significantly, which is astounding. And despite the fact that this lovely infant still has a long way to go, he has already exceeded the doctors’ expectations!
Karson Jax Hough continues to be surrounded with prayers, and we ask that you add to them. Clearly, the Lord has great things for this adorable boy!