Angel, the daughter of Eddie Murphy and Mel B, is the most recent famous person to come out as transgender. Over the last few years, an increasing number of celebrity’s adolescent offspring have come out as tr@nsgender.
Zion Wade, the former son of Dwyane Wade, came out and changed her name to Zaya. Additionally, early this year, comedian Marlon Wayans’s son, who was once his daughter, came out as tr@nsgender.
It’s Eddie’s daughter’s time now (or maybe his son’s). On Instagram, Angel modified her username from “she” to “he.”

And Angel has changed more than just that. His long hair gave him a more feminine appearance, so he chopped it off and rocked a conventionally manly hairstyle. Angel used to look like this to give you an idea of the changes:

During her relationship with Hollywood actor Eddie Murphy, who is the biological father of Mel B’s sixteen-year-old daughter Angel Iris Murphy Brown, Mel B became the focus of tabloid gossip.
Mel B and Murphy had split up by the beginning of December 2006. Murphy informed a journalist that unless a paternity test was conducted, it would be impossible to determine Mel B’s then-unborn child’s parentage.
Murphy was identified as the child’s father by a court-mandated DNA test conducted the following year. Murphy acknowledged being the father and disclosed that he and Mel B had come to a $7 million paternity settlement. Since then, Eddie has been providing child support to Angel.