Raven Yates has been arrested. Last month, the mother of three went viral for leaving her two children home alone for months. Raven Yates was photographed smiling during her arrest today.
Raven Yates, 31, is wanted by Roman Forest PD (RFPD) for leaving her 3-year-old son and 12-year-old daughter alone for nearly two months without food or medical supplies. Chief Stephen Carlisle stated the residence was unoccupied. An investigator found the refrigerator, pantry, and 3-year-old boy’s room smelling of pee.

The children were left alone from September 28th until November 14th, according to Roman Forest PD. Once his daughter started asking for meals daily, the 13-year-father old’s figured it out. Yates told her kid that if anyone found out, her father would take her and leave her 3-year-old brother alone. The 13-year-old told her father her mother was at work.
On November 14, the father reported and flew from California to Texas to check on his daughter and brother. After investigating, Roman Forest PD issued Raven Yates a warrant for two counts of Abandon Endanger Child Without Intent to Return. Yates may be at her birthplace of Mobile, AL, 425 miles from Roman Forest, TX, where she lived with her children. The mother’s reason for leaving two children is unknown.

Social internet helped find the woman quickly. Her Facebook profile has surfaced. The public figure and alias profile (Famous BD). Last updated on February 9, 2023, the profile appears live. The account reposts, responds, and trolls news media. She was arrested before. Yates was arrested for cutting a repo driver in 2018.
Yates also had a 14-year-old runaway daughter before she abandoned her other two children. Despite the initial outcry, some are waiting for proof the woman is alive before casting judgement. “Hmmm, I need more updates and verification that she is alive and actually out of state before I condemn her because something doesn’t seem right here,” one said.

Update: Roman Forest Police say Raven Yates, 31, was arrested. Yates was arrested in Alabama, awaiting transfer to Montgomery County. A photo of the mother of three smiling in the backseat of a police cruiser is circulating online. Yates was arrested while living with a man in Alabama, according to reports. Her kids are safe with their granny in Alabama.