The loss of another cast member has devastated viewers of the well-known show Martin. Sean Lampkin portrayed Nipsey in the programme. Lampkin also starred in Life, Big Momma’s House, and Bad Boys. He was Martin Lawrence’s close friend, the primary character. He portrayed the proprietor of the pub Martin and his friends frequented in seasons three through five of the television series The Nipsey.
It was Sean Lampkin’s 54th birthday. It is believed that he passed away while sleeping. His “friend Marsel Watts announced the news on Facebook on March 8.” “This morning, my friend, my brother, my skate buddy, my business partner, my teacher and my flatmate of ten years, passed away.” Watts wrote, “May Sean rest in peace.”
Viewers of the programme are now beginning to learn of his passing. Watts praised his friend Lampkin in a reminiscence post he published. He claimed that Lampkin was frequently Martin’s “right-hand man” and held a “black belt in karate.” “Martin, no way without Sean,” he informed her. Marsel mentioned how often Sean and Martin rode together in the past. According to IMDB, Lampkin assisted Martin as well.
Among the first to comment on Sean’s passing was Tisha Campbell. She commented on a post from a Martin Show fan page with multiple prayer emojis and a sobbing expression. Comedian Guy Torry paid tribute to Sean on social media as well. According to Torry, a writer for Martin, “My man Sean Lampkin has been called home.” What a wonderful, humorous man who deserves more recognition.
Lampkin is the second significant member of the Martin group to pass away, following the death of Thomas Mikal Ford in 2016. The cast members showed their appreciation for Ford in a recent reunion special. Martin hasn’t yet posted anything on his blog on Sean’s passing. They were together when he shared a photo of them in 2021, writing, “Lifting each other up since day one #teammartymar #fbf #squad.”
When Sean said “Nip!” in the comments, many appeared to be pleased. Although Lampkin didn’t have a social media profile of his own, friends are using Twitter to share show snippets as a way to communicate their grief.