Nine Years Queen Old Wins a Major Math Competition in the United Kingdom, Beating 450 Students

This year’s “Sum It Up” national math competition was won by Danielle Boadu, a nine-year-old girl from the United Kingdom. She competed against more than 450 other students in her category and came out on top. In order to commemorate World Maths Day, students from primary schools all over the United Kingdom and Ireland participated in a competition that was organised and run by Renaissance Learning, a leading provider of educational technology. It encouraged children to create imaginative artwork that shows how they see math being used and experienced in everyday life and encouraged them to share their ideas with other children.

An experienced panel of judges chose Boadu, a student at Heritage Park Primary School in Peterborough, England, to emerge victorious in the competition. Boadu was awarded the prize. In the playground of her elementary school, she presented a novel visual interpretation of mathematics by employing natural elements to illustrate mathematical concepts such as addition, shapes, and parallel lines.

“I had fun with my entry because I enjoyed finding all the shapes and patterns in the playground and drawing the objects that I counted and observed,” Boadu said in an interview with Peterborough Today. “I had fun with my entry because I enjoyed finding all the shapes and patterns in the playground.” “When I first looked, everything in the playground appeared to be normal. However, when I looked closer and thought about everything we had learned in math class, I thought, ‘wow, I can see all of the patterns.'”

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