In a video that went viral not long ago, a mother can be seen on the side of the road using a belt to spank her son, who is in his teenage years, after he had taken her BMW for a joyride without permission. The event generated a discussion on social media regarding whether or not physical punishment is effective and whether or not it should be used.
Some people backed the mother’s conduct, believing that she was teaching her kid an important lesson. Other people, on the other hand, criticised her for using violence to discipline her child because they believed it was inappropriate. The truth is that the topic is more nuanced than can be adequately discussed using a black-and-white framework.
Many parents, on the one hand, believe that physical punishment is an effective approach to discipline children and teach them what is and is not acceptable behaviour. They contend that physically punishing a child by slapping, whooping, or even flogging them with a belt can be an effective deterrent that helps prevent the youngster from acting inappropriately in the future.
In point of fact, numerous studies have demonstrated that the use of physical discipline can be useful in a variety of contexts. For young children, who lack the cognitive capacity to comprehend more complicated ideas such as cause and effect, for instance, spanking can be an effective form of discipline. They may be encouraged to behave better in the future if they are given a swift smack on the behind in order to assist them make the connection between a bad behaviour and a bad result.
On the other hand, many authorities maintain that in the long run, physical punishment can result in more negative outcomes than positive ones. They note out that spanking and other forms of physical discipline can establish a cycle of anger and teach children that violence is an acceptable method to address problems. They also point out that this can be avoided by not using physical discipline.
In addition, there is evidence to suggest that the use of physical punishment might have a harmful impact on the mental health and development of a kid. According to a number of studies, the use of spanking and other types of corporal punishment is associated with an elevated risk of psychological and behavioural issues like as anxiety and depression.
The question now is, what actions should parents take when their child acts inappropriately? There is no single answer that is applicable to every situation; however, many specialists advocate the use of positive discipline methods, which put an emphasis not on punishing inappropriate behaviour but on praising appropriate behaviour instead.
For instance, parents can create clear limits and expectations for their children, as well as consequences for inappropriate behaviours that do not entail the use of physical punishment. They can also praise and reward their children when they behave well. Without resorting to physical punishment, parents can teach their children the difference between right and wrong by employing tactics of constructive discipline.
The difficult and contentious topic of using physical force to discipline children is brought into sharp relief by the recent event in which a mother was seen flogging her child on the shoulder of the road with a belt. Although there are some parents who believe that using physical force to discipline their children is a successful method, there are also parents who believe that this method can cause more problems than it solves. In the end, it is important for parents to pick methods of discipline that are in line with their own values and parenting style and to place an emphasis on positively reinforcing their children’s behaviours rather than negatively punishing those behaviours.