Tyrese Gibson, the American actor, and singer who has been a part of the Fast and Furious franchise since 2003, recently threatened to abandon the series due to a disagreement with his co-star, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. This news has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry, with fans of the franchise pondering what this means for the future of the series.

The feud between Gibson and Johnson reportedly began when Johnson signed on to feature in a spinoff film based on his Fast and Furious character, Luke Hobbs. This move did not sit well with Gibson, who felt that Johnson’s decision to do a spinoff film would delay the production of the ninth installment of the franchise, in which both Gibson and Johnson were scheduled to star.

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Gibson expressed his frustration with Johnson in a succession of social media posts, accusing him of prioritising his own interests over the good of the franchise. He also claimed that Johnson was causing delays in the production of the ninth film and placing the jobs of the franchise’s crew members at risk.

In one post, Gibson stated, “I’m sad to announce that if Dwayne is in Fast 9 there will no more Roman [Gibson’s character]. You mess with family and my daughters survival I deal with yours.”

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This threat from Gibson has raised concerns about the viability of the Fast and Furious franchise. With Gibson being one of the original cast members and a fan favourite, many question if the franchise can continue without him. Additionally, the feud between Gibson and Johnson has caused tension within the cast and personnel, potentially leading to further delays in production.

It remains to be seen what will happen with the franchise and whether Gibson will follow through on his threat to resign. However, it is obvious that this feud has caused a rift within the Fast and Furious family and has left many fans wondering if the series can survive without its beloved Roman.

In the end, it is essential to remember that the Fast and Furious franchise is a team effort, and the success of the series depends on the cooperation and collaboration of all involved. Hopefully, Gibson and Johnson can set aside their differences and come together for the good of the franchise and its fans.

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