4.3 GPA, Valedictorian, and $3 Million in Scholarships for Homeless Teen
Memphis, Tennessee high school valedictorian Tupac Mosley has more to celebrate than graduation. The teen received over $3 million in college scholarships.

Since his father died in 2017, his family struggled financially and became homeless early this year, making his top-of-the-class rank and scholarships more amazing.

Tupac says sleeping on motel floors was his lowest point, but he kept studying. He credits his supporters for his accomplishment.

I wouldn’t be here without my friends, family, instructors, and counsellors. They inspired me to persevere. Quantifying my efforts is extremely satisfying. “It feels amazing,” Mosley told BBC News.

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He thanked the school principal and the director of For the Kingdom, the campsite and NGO that housed his family, in his graduation address. He says the director allowed the family stay there to generate money for a new home after learning of their homelessness.

“He’s the first student I saw generate such an enormous response,” said Lee-anne Cox, Mosley’s guidance counsellor. His perseverance made him smart and talented.
Tupac has his own apartment but plans to live with the family when he starts school in the fall. Tennessee State University accepted his electrical engineering application.

We should all appreciate young Tupac’s dedication to his future. Any other inspiring tales? Comment and share!

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