R&B Singer R. Kelly Wants Parents Held Responsible, Says They Sold Their Girls & Got Furious When The Money Stopped
R. Kelly’s sentence is final. After being sentenced today, the R&B singer will serve almost 30 years in prison. Many people are outraged that he is the only one paying for his crimes, even if he may live into his 80s.
Kelly’s many charges indicate a support network. His workers and the parents of the girls he courted are included.

R. Kelly’s victims include young women who befriended him to become his proteges. A family acquaintance introduced Robert to late singer Aaliyah, who was seeking a record deal. Aaliyah’s family may have condoned the inappropriate connection.
R. Kelly also dated Aaliyah’s mother. Barry Hankerson, her uncle, assumed she knew. R. Kelly sold his early record masters to Aaliyah’s parents for silence during his trial.
His leaked 90s tape’s young woman’s family is the same. Kelly’s Chicago case involves Sparkle’s niece “Jane”. The girl’s relatives gave her to Kelly and stole years of his money to hide the truth.

These included paid trips, company investments, free concert tickets, and more. Sparkle denied knowing about R. Kelly and her niece last year. Sparkle strongly refuted them.
Robert blamed his parents for his “cult” in 2019. The singer admits to buying Azriel Clary and Joycelyn Savage’s daughters. R. Kelly claims the parents sold their children to him and are furious because they’re not generating money. “How come it was Alright for me to visit them till they were getting no money from me?” the singer wondered. He said her parents “wanted” him to sleep with Clary when she was underage.

Kelly is seemingly taking the fall alone. In 2020, three associates were arrested for bribery. Richard Arline Jr. and Michael Williams received eight years each. Third man Donnell Russell served a year. One fan tweeted, “R Kelly is Guilty AF, but he shouldn’t be the only one charged those parents; his label & team should be highly scrutinised because he didn’t work alone.” Despite several pleas, the parents are unlikely to be prosecuted.

The disgraced singer was sentenced to 20 more years today. The judge ordered the artist to serve 19 of the 20-year term concurrently with his 30-year sentence. R. Kelly will be released around 80. Many prosecutors wanted him to serve life in prison, despite its length.
R. Kelly will serve one more year after completing his 30-year sentence.

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