Make your corn like this and never boil it again!
We detest boiling corn since it never seems to taste as delicious that way, even though we adore it on the cob and try to eat as much of it as we can when it’s in season. We were unaware that there was an easier and more flavorful method of cooking it—in a slow cooker!
Corn steams deliciously in the slow cooker without losing any of its sweet flavor when it is combined with water. After that, feel free to season it with as much butter, salt, and pepper as you like and savor every last bite!

eight to ten ears of corn
one-third cup water
One tablespoon of lemon juice
unsalted butter, to taste freshly ground pepper and kosher salt, to taste green onions or fresh herbs, to taste
Getting Ready
Pour 1/3 cup of water and add the corn to the slow cooker.
Cook the corn for 2 1/2 to 3 hours on HIGH, or until it is very soft and bright yellow.
After removing the corn with tongs, season it with salt, pepper, butter, lemon juice, or fresh herbs.
Enjoy and serve right now!
12Tomateos, the source