The actor’s devoted following quickly supported him, stating that his humility is his greatest attribute and that this is how he spends his life, shortly after the photos went viral.
The star is well known for having no interest in wealth, designer clothing, or luxury vehicles. He frequently appears among homeless people, conversing, eating, and drinking with them.

Also, after his sister Kim battled leukaemia for ten years, the actor donated an incredible 70% of his profits from the first “Matrix” film to support leukaemia research.
Since then, the well-known actor has also founded a charity to support those dealing with cancer.

Throughout its five or six years of existence, my personal foundation has supported several children’s hospitals as well as cancer research. “I don’t like putting my name on it; I just let the foundation do what it does and help people in need,” he stated in an interview with Ladies Home Journal.

His devoted followers will adore him regardless of his appearance, as he is our national treasure and the most compassionate man in the film industry. Warm regards and kisses to Keanu!