To start with, you made it through being born to mothers who either drank or smoked while they were pregnant.

They had tuna from a can, aspirin, and blue cheese dressing without having their blood sugar checked.

Following that trauma, lead-based paints in vibrant colours were applied to your baby cots.

You didn’t have childproof closures on cabinets, doors, or prescription bottles, and you didn’t wear helmets when riding your bikes. Not to mention the risks involved in hitching.

You used to ride in automobiles without air bags or seat belts when you were kids.

It was always so much fun to ride wild in the back of a van. Instead of using a bottle, you drank water from the garden hosepipe.

No one perished as a result of sharing a single bottle of soft drink among four pals.

You consumed cakes, white bread, genuine butter, and sugar-filled soda, but you didn’t gain weight because

As long as we returned when the streetlights turned on, you would leave your house in the morning and play all day. You were unreachable throughout the day. You too were alright. After spending hours constructing your go-carts out of leftover parts, you would go down the hill only to realise that you had forgotten the brakes. You figured out the solution after repeatedly running into the bushes.

You did not own video games of any kind, 99 cable channels, video cassette movies, Playstations, Nintendos, X-boxes, surround sound, mobile phones, text messaging, personal computers, the Internet, or Internet chat rooms.

You were cut, broke teeth, and fell off trees, yet no lawsuits were filed for these mishaps.

You (or most guys) used to play with worms and create mud pies out of dirt, but the worms did not stay in us forever.

You invented tennis ball and stick games, and despite being warned that it might happen, you avoided poking out any eyes.

You either walked or rode bikes to a friend’s house and called out to them, ringing the bell, or just yelling!

Not every applicant was accepted into the local teams after tryouts.

Those that didn’t had to develop their ability to handle disappointment. Think about that! It was unheard of for a parent to save you from legal trouble. They truly took the side of the law!

Some of the greatest risk-takers, problem-solvers, and inventors of all time have come from this generation!

Innovation and fresh concepts have exploded during the last 50 years. You learned from having freedom, failing, succeeding, and being responsible.


How do you feel about this email that I just got? Does it make sense? If you were fortunate enough to grow up in the days before the government and solicitors regulated our lives for our own benefit, you may wish to forward this to others. Send it to your children while you’re at it so they can see how courageous their parents were.

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