A Kentucky woman who is 98 years old just got to meet her great-great-great-granddaughter for the first time in a touching and beautiful event. According to ABC News, the family took a photograph to commemorate the event so that they can always recall it fondly. Zhavia Danielle and her family paid a visit to Cordelia Mae Hawkins at her nursing home on February 19th. Zhavia, together with her mother, aunt, grandmother, and great-grandmother, was accompanied by her great-great-great-grandmother. Cordelia Mae Hawkins, who is known as MaeDell among her relatives, was delighted to meet Zhavia and her family.

Zhavia, who is only 7 weeks old, is Hawkins’s first great-great-great-granddaughter despite being her second great-great-great-grandchild overall. Gracie Howell, who is Hawkins’ granddaughter, claims that the family matriarch was overjoyed to see all of the family members present at the gathering. The snapshot is going to be treasured by the family because it serves as a representation of their connection.
“We just kind of planned a day and we just all met, and grandma knew we was coming,” the 58-year-old said in an interview with “Good Morning America.” “She was quite enthusiastic. We were able to spend three hours in her company.” “The infant started to cry a little bit. She said something to the effect of, “Here, give me that baby.” “I mean, she’s pretty much born with it,” Howell remembers saying about her. The shot was taken by Howell’s sister Sheryl Blessing, and it depicts the family members, from left to right, in chronological order. It all begins with Howell’s grandmother Frances Snow, then continues on with Howell, her daughter Jacqueline Ledford, her granddaughter, and finally Zhavia’s mother Jaisline Wilson. The subject of the photograph, Hawkins, may be seen in the middle of the image, cradling her great-great-great-granddaughter Zhavia. “I am aware that it hasn’t happened in the past six generations… Howell went on to say that it is even more unusual for all of them to be of the same gender.”Girl power is in full effect here, as we are all girls.”

Howell shared with “GMA” that her grandmother had her first marriage when she was just 16 years old, and she went on to have two more marriages after that. According to a chart that was prepared by the Hawkins family, the Hawkins have a huge family consisting of 13 biological children and 10 stepchildren. The grandmother, who is 98 years old, has 623 descendants at this point in time. Howell said that, according to the tale told by their family, Hawkins was the type of mother who made certain that her children had a hot supper both in the morning and in the evening before going to school.
“Hers has been a difficult journey. However, she possesses a positive attitude,” Howell remarked.