Monica Riley, living in Fort Worth, Texas, dreamed of becoming the world’s fattest woman! She had a weight record of 700lbs. She consumed up to 10,000 calories a day. Monica wanted to be bed bound. Sid, her fiancee, would feed her 3,500-calorie milkshakes through a funnel.
Her commitment to getting the heaviest woman ended when she discovered she was pregnant. That’s when Monica decided to lose weight, so she could give birth to her child in the safest way. She lost nearly 200lbs before giving birth to her daughter, Michelle.
So, let’s get through her story…
1. Monica Riley weighed 700lbs at her heaviest

2. She lost 200lbs so she could give birth to her daughter safely

3. Pictured with her daughter, Michelle – Monica wants to lose more weight.

The jumpstart to losing weight was falling pregnant. I knew I wanted to have a family with Sid and I knew I had to take drastic steps for that to happen. At my heaviest, I was around 700lbs, then before I had her I was 520lbs, and now I’m down to around 465lbs,’
Monica went through two miscarriages, alongside her diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which causes weight gain and infertility.
She said: ‘When I first heard I was pregnant, I was shocked. Seeing a positive test wasn’t that big a deal as it’d happened a couple of times before, and I’d always miscarried. But when I went to get a sonogram for the first time and I got to see her on the screen, it was magical.’
4. Monica had a huge following on her social media because of the posts consuming a lot of calories

5. She dreamed of being bed-bound

‘After the miscarriages though, I was so scared that something would go wrong and she wouldn’t make it. I was terrified to be fully happy and accept the fact that I was pregnant and had a baby in me and she was still growing,’
Monica went from weighing 700lbs to 520lbs looking after her diet.
However, she still went through health complications. Her baby Michelle was delivered through an emergency C-section at 33 weeks.
Monica said: ‘She came out and I didn’t hear a cry and I was terrified. I was thinking “Is she okay? Is she alive? They bundled her up and showed her to us for a split second, then rushed to put her on a ventilator to get her to start breathing. It was a day and a half before I got to see her, that was the longest wait of my life. When I first saw her, I just started crying. I sobbed uncontrollably. Sid made sure that no one aside from the doctors had held her before me. Her face was all scrunched up and she looked like a little potato. She was hooked up to all these wires and oxygen and I didn’t know what was wrong with her, I just knew that when I saw her little cheeks and hands, I was so happy,’ added Monica.
On the other hand, she said she does not blame her lifestyle for the complications.
‘I don’t feel like my weight was a factor in that at all. Babies are born prematurely all the time,’ she said.
6. Monica was fed through a funnel by her fiance Sid, who supported her to gain weight.

‘My doctor was planning to induce me at 37 weeks, which is not far from 33, but the pre-eclampsia meant they had to get her out earlier.’
7. Monica wants her daughter to have a healthier lifestyle.

‘We will definitely not be funnel-feeding her, that’s for sure! When she’s eating solid food, we are only going to give her healthy things. Maybe at Halloween, if she goes trick-or-treating then we’ll let her have one candy or two, but we want to get her hooked on fruits and veggies while she’s young,’ said Monica.
8. Monica does not regret her past

She said: ‘When I look back at eating junk food every day, I don’t regret it at all, it tastes amazing! But I know what it did to me, and I’m not about that lifestyle anymore. The thought of being immobile just doesn’t appeal anymore, now that I’ve got a gorgeous little baby, I want to be able to keep up with her. I want Sid and me to be able to walk around the park with her, go to the mall together, go shopping and take her to the playground. That is just something that couldn’t have been done before,’
However, not everyone in the SSBBW (Super-Sized Big Beautiful Woman) community supported her changes.
She added: ‘When I started to lose weight I did lose a lot of so-called friends in the fat community. Their ultimate goal was to see me immobile and now they couldn’t fulfill their fantasy anymore.’
9. Monica’s new lifestyle

Monica is committed to losing even more weight. She wants to go through gastric bypass surgery.
Monica said: ‘I’m just waiting to get an appointment. I want to get down to at least 300lbs, but 250lb would be even better. I’m hoping I can get the surgery this year, so hopefully, by this time next year, I’ll be at least 200lb lighter. The only thing that’s put me off getting surgery is that I don’t want to get too skinny, I still like being chubby. I just like feeling soft and squishy.’
On the other hand, Sid says he adores her regardless of her size.
‘I don’t care what size she is, I love her as a person, and that’s never going to change. If she has a gastric bypass and gets down to 150lbs, I’ll still love her, and we have this little baby together,’
Sid (Monica FiANCEe)
Monica concluded: ‘I can’t believe I’m finally a mum. Ditching funnel feeds for bottle feeds is the best thing I’ve ever done.’
What would you do if you were Monica? Would you have gone through this journey, or would you have chosen another path from the beginning? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!