I talked my daughter-in-law into my plan after learning that she punishes her children by sending them to visit me.

Gina is devastated to learn that her daughter-in-law, Amanda, is punishing her grandkids by having them visit her home. Rather than becoming irate, Gina chooses to transform her house into a haven of warmth and affection for the boys. In the end, she imparts to Amanda a lesson that she will never forget.
“Jacob, the only reason we’re here is because you ate the sweets Mom was keeping for Dad. Mom warned you against it! My grandson Thomas was reprimanding his younger sibling, and I heard it.
“My dear, what do you mean by that?” I made a gentle inquiry.
With a look of remorse in his eyes, Thomas looked up.
“Oh, nothing, Grandma,” he answered with haste.
I lowered myself to their level and gave them a comforting smile. “Anything you want to tell me, it’s okay.”
With hesitation, Thomas cast an anxious glance at Jacob, who was biting his lip and holding onto his toy.
“All right… Every time we ask for something we shouldn’t or do a misdemeanor… Thomas mumbled, “Mom says she’ll send us to ‘that witch’s house.'”
My throat tightened around my breath. “That witch?” Stunned, I repeated. Amanda has always seemed distant from me, but this? It had the feel of treachery. I had made a great effort to provide my grandchildren with a cozy and inviting environment.
I inhaled deeply to regain my composure before speaking, “Oh, honey, my home is never meant to be a punishment.” You are under no obligation to come here if you do not want to.
“Yet we enjoy being here!” Thomas reassured me right away. “It’s simply… It scares me that Mom stated we could be cursed here.
This was excessive. It was one thing for Amanda to have problems with me, but to frighten the kids and make them dislike me? That was not acceptable. I realized I had to do something to discipline Amanda as well as preserve my friendship with the lads.
I greeted the boys warmly and mysteriously the following time they came to see. I said, “How about some pie?” “And I would like to share with you a small secret.”
Their curiosity glowed in their eyes. How about that, Grandma? With eagerness, Jacob inquired.
I said, lowering my voice, “Your mom was right. I identify as a witch.
Thomas let out a gasp, and Jacob’s eyes widened in shock.
I smiled and hurriedly said, “But don’t worry, I would never hurt you. I’m going to teach you some magic, in fact.
“Really?” Half-excited, half-skeptical, Thomas questioned.
“Yeah,” I replied as I ushered them into the living room, where I had constructed a temporary wizard’s workshop. We watched their imaginations go wild, made “potions” out of household items, and learned some basic magic acts during the day.
The lads were eager to come visit as the days went by. Even my son Brian called to say how much they enjoyed coming to my house.
He remarked, “I don’t know what you’re doing, Mom, but they keep requesting to come over.”
“Letting them be kids,” I smiled back, keeping our enchanted encounters to ourselves for the time being.
The boys once pleaded to spend the night as Amanda arrived to pick them up. They begged and complained when she refused.
“Well, so sending them home is now a punishment?” I met Amanda’s gaze and spoke sharply, tinged with sarcasm.
When she realized I was aware of her remarks, she paled. “Gina, that’s not what I meant,” she stumbled to herself.
I firmly remarked, “Amanda, we may have our differences, but don’t drag the kids into it.” And why would you tell them such lies about me? It is painful.
Amanda cast a downward glance as remorse overcame her. “I was not thinking. All I was feeling was irritated with the males.
I went on, “I just want them to feel loved and safe here.” Could we just agree on that?
Of course, Gina, I agree. She said, “I really apologize,” in a gentle and sincere voice.
“I accept your apology,” I said softly. “But let’s proceed in their direction.”
We began to feel a precarious serenity from that point on. The guys went on visiting, but now they were happy rather than afraid. We laughed a lot throughout our time together, and the guys were excited about their fantastic excursions.
Jacob said in a whisper one evening as I was putting them to bed, “Grandma, are you really a witch?”
I brushed a lock of hair from his forehead and grinned. “No, my dear son. However, if you believe in magic, it exists. It’s found in the affection we give, the joy we experience, and the memories we create.
As he dozed off, Jacob said, “Grandma, I like your kind of magic.”
The boys eagerly asked if we might create more potions as I was preparing breakfast the following morning. I laughed and said okay, but not before recommending pancakes. There was a tap on the door as we were getting ready to dine.
Amanda stood there, cautious yet full of hope. “Good morning,” she murmured. “I had hoped to have breakfast with you.”
“Please come inside,” I kindly asked her. “We’ve only just begun.”
With a sincere smile on her lips, Amanda observed the guys chatting about their fantastical travels as we were eating.
She murmured, “Thank you,” as the boys went off to play. “For all the things.”
“It’s all for them,” I looked back at her. “They ought to experience love and happiness.”
“With sincerity, I apologize for what I said earlier,” Amanda continued. “I made your house look like a punishment, which was incorrect. Not at all. In fact, it’s cozier and friendlier than ours.
Amanda tried to invite the boys around more frequently in the weeks that followed, always with a smile and sometimes with handmade snacks. Brian also observed the difference.
Brian said, “She’s really trying, Mom,” one day. She is very eager to spend time with the guys and you here. It means a lot to her.
I gave my son a smile. I replied, feeling the warmth of our developing familial kinship, “It’s about time.”
In Gina’s position, how would you have responded?
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