While on the Beach with My Husband, a Woman Ran Up, Knelt, and Said His Name
While John and I were out on the beach enjoying our anniversary bliss, a woman in a swimsuit ran up to us. She whispered his name, bowing before him. My heart broke. Who was this woman, and what could she possibly want from my husband? I never imagined that day would awaken me to such a painful realisation.

“JOHN… John, please don’t leave me. I let out a cry at discovering my bed empty. My pulse raced as soon as I realised it was all just a nightmare. Rosa here, and I had the worst dream imaginable. John, my spouse, had left me alone in a tropical paradise with turquoise waters and waving palm palms. When the light spilt through the draperies in the early morning, I tried to shake off the uneasy feeling.
“You, Rosa? Are you okay? From the hallway, John’s voice could be heard. With a troubled expression, he emerged from the doorway.

I exhaled a breath of calm. Yes, it was just a nightmare. What time is it precisely?
About nine o’clock is now. “I made coffee,” he said with a smile.And happy anniversary to you, my love.
My students grew. How could I have missed it? It was our union’s tenth anniversary! I sprang from my bed and gave him a big hug. “Happy anniversary, John! The fact that ten years have gone by already is astounding.
John had excitement glimmering in his eyes. I’m going to give you a surprise. Shut your eyes and extend your hands.
I felt something light brush my hands as I did what he instructed. I observed two aircraft tickets as I opened my eyes.

“No way,” I screamed as I glanced at the place. “Dominican Republic? Are you actually real?”
John smiled. Please pack your bags, my love. We leave in three hours.
I excitedly gave him a full face-kiss and squealed. John, this is amazing! It’s incredible that you managed to do this.
“Go quickly,” he laughed. “We have to leave in 20 minutes, so you have 20 minutes to pack.”
Feeling a tinge of guilt, I raced to stuff clothes into a suitcase. John had been so busy at work that he hadn’t been around much lately. This trip was exactly what our relationship needed to get back on track.
“Are you ready for our journey?” John asked as he leaned against the doorframe.
I smiled as I closed my bag. Alongside you? Every single time.

A sense of anticipation and excitement pervaded the flight to the Dominican Republic. We were greeted by the cool tropical air as soon as we stepped off the plane.
“John, I’m in awe of this beauty!” I cried out as I looked around the airport at the lush greenery and vibrant colours.
John squeezed me very hard. “Wait until you see our accommodations.”

Our resort, a sleek black sedan, was waiting for us. As we drove along the shore, the shimmering blue waves captivated me.
I went to John and said, “It’s unbelievable that you concealed this information.” “How much time have you spent organising this?”

He gave me a cunning smile. “Let’s just say that working late at the office wasn’t easy.”
I felt a stab of shame as I realized how aloof we’d been lately. “I apologize for being so focused with personal things. I am aware of how challenging your new project has been.
John’s face became more amiable. That’s why we’re here, hey. Absence of labor and diversions. Only the two of us.”

The car drew up to a magnificent resort on the beach. I could hear the soothing lap of waves on the shore as the palm trees swung in the breeze.
With a smile, our driver shouted, “Welcome to paradise!”
While we were checking in, I couldn’t take my eyes off the lavish lobby. “John, this must have cost a fortune,” I mumbled.
He winked at me. “It’s only the best for my girl,”

Our accommodation, a spacious suite with an own balcony overlooking the ocean, was even more spectacular. I opened the balcony door and smelt the saline air.
John approached me from behind and put his arms around my waist. “What are your feelings? Was it worth waiting a while?
His warm brown eyes met mine as I whirled around in his arms. It is perfect. You are perfect.
All of my worries faded as he leaned in to give me a kiss. We both giggled as we broke apart, John’s stomach growling loudly.
I laughed, “I guess that’s our cue to find some food.” “How about we go to the beach and get some snacks?”
John grinned. “Go fast to the water!”

As we strolled hand in hand towards the shimmering sea, I couldn’t shake the feeling that this trip would fundamentally alter my life.
The next three days were filled with sun, sand, and pure joy. We lounged on the beach, enjoying fresh coconuts and mouthwatering fish. Every night we would go outdoors and dance bachata, our bodies moving in perfect sync.

Our third evening was spent sunning ourselves on a sun lounger as the sun set and the sky turned a vibrant pink and orange. I rested my head on John’s chest and felt his heartbeat remain steady.
“Why didn’t we do this earlier?” I casually circled his arm and enquired.
John felt a heavy laugh growl in his chest. Nothing comes to mind as a more significant occasion than our anniversary. I also wanted it to come as a surprise.

I lifted my head to look at him. “Well, take me as fully stunned and as spoilt as possible.”
As we lay there, I thought about the little surprise I had in store for John. My fingers instinctively reached for my stomach, the growing source of our little secret. I had found out I was pregnant just before the trip, and I had been waiting for the right chance to tell him.
“What are your thoughts?” John noticed my thoughtful expression and asked.
I smiled cryptically. Oh, not at all. Just thinking back on my luck.
He kissed the top of my head. “I’m the fortunate one.”

The last of the sunlight cast a gorgeous orange and pink sky, and John suddenly sat up. Do you want to take a stroll along the beach? There is usually a breathtaking sunset here.
I nodded excitedly, organising how I would deliver the news. “Perfect sound.”
We strolled hand in hand along the shoreline, the warm ocean lapping at our feet. As the last of the sun cast a golden glow over the shore, everything looked fantastic.

Taking a deep breath, I reached into my pocket to feel the small gift box I had brought from New York.
“John, I would like to share with you something.” I said.
Abruptly, a silhouette emerged in the waning illumination, sprinting in our direction. In front of John, a woman wearing a white swimsuit bent down to her knees before I could even comprehend what was occurring.
“John!” she exclaimed. “My life’s love is you. It’s time you told her everything and quit acting like an idiot. My one and only should be you. Will you be my spouse?

I froze, my hand still gripping the gift box in my pocket. It felt like the world was spinning on its axis as I turned from the woman to John, waiting for him to say something, anything, to make sense of what was happening.
John’s expression was colourless as his mouth moved silently open and closed. And then he started laughing, which surprised me beyond belief.

The sound of John laughing resonated around the beach, and my heart began to rush. Was this a nasty prank of any sort?
He bent down, brought the woman to her feet, and drew her into a tight hug, which I watched in horror.
“You couldn’t choose a better time, right?” With a giggle, John continued to grasp the stranger.
My eyes wept as I discovered my voice. “What on earth is going on? John, who is she? I coughed out, and my previous contentment evaporated like mist in the sun.
The nightmare I’d had on the morning of our anniversary was resurfacing. John leaving me alone in a tropical paradise Was that dream, albeit distorted, finally coming true?

John looked up at me, his eyes widening when he saw my tears. Muttering, “Rosa, honey, I’m so sorry,” he hurried over to face me. “Julia is my name. We were in the same classes in college.
With a smile, Julia extended her hand. “Hey Rosa, it’s good to meet you. I hope I didn’t scare you too much.
I just stared at her hand because I couldn’t believe what was happening. “I used to make fun of her at a play, and it made everyone laugh,” John continued. As she promised, I guess this is the moment for her to execute her revenge.

Julia enthusiastically nodded. You’re right! For twenty minutes, I kept my distance and attempted to figure out if it was really him. After I was positive, I couldn’t resist playing a little practical joke.
As their words began to register, my body began to loosen up. It was all enjoyable. A stupid, inappropriate joke.
“You aren’t going to leave me, right?” I asked John with shaking hands.
He pulled me into his embrace, softening his expression. “No, Rosa. I sincerely apologise if we scared you. I had no idea Julia would do this or that she was even here.
I chuckled a little and gently pressed my fist to his chest. “You jerk, I almost had a mini heart attack.”
A wave of relief passed through me, and then I remembered the gift box in my pocket. Maybe, after all, this was the right time.
“Sweetheart,” I turned to look at John. “I apologise, but I won’t bow down. A few minutes ago, I was going to tell you something.

I handed him the small package after taking it out.
John’s eyes widened and a beaming smile appeared on his face when he opened the box and took out a delicate silver chain that held a little locket shaped like a pair of baby feet.
“You’re… we’re… Oh my God, Rosa!” We both laughed as he lifted me off the ground and swirled me around.
“I’m pregnant!” I grinned as I revealed.
Julia grinned as she observed us. “I suppose that means I missed my opportunity. You two deserve congratulations! Permit me to snap a photo to commemorate the occasion.”
John looked to Julia as he laid me down. “I’m grateful, Julia. And this time, you genuinely won me over!”
“I told you I would!” Julia chuckled. But seriously, well done. You two are very deserving of happiness.
In the beautiful pink and orange glory of the setting sun, we snapped a quick photo of ourselves. After bidding Julia farewell, John put his arm around my waist and watched her stroll back to the coast.
“So we’re going to be parents,” he said, sounding astonished.

I nodded, leaning towards him. Indeed, Dad! Are you happy with it?
John answered with a kiss that was so powerful it made me gasp. When we finally parted ways, he rested his forehead on top of mine. Never have I felt happier. Rosa, you’ve got my love.
“I love you too,” I whispered back, placing my palm over his and intertwining our fingers.

As we stood there, the sound of the waves resonating in our ears and the warm breeze caressing our hair, I felt both eager and at rest. I had this tiny bundle of love nestled inside of me with John at my side, and I was looking forward to nothing but happiness.
“Are you set to go back?” He asked John as he scooped up our bags.

I looked again at the magnificent sunset and nodded. “Anything is possible as long as you’re there.”
We strolled back to our resort hand in hand, our hearts full of love and our thoughts full of dreams for the future. This vacation had been about more than just marking the anniversary. We had just started a whole new chapter in our life, and I was excited to see what adventures lay ahead of us.